Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Abortionist Carhart attempts to run over sidewalk counselor

Bellevue, NE abortionist Leroy Carhart deliberately drove over the curb and public sidewalk and into sidewalk counselor and abortion protestor Joe McDaniel on February 11. While waiting ten minutes for Bellevue police to arrive, the abortionist and his wife sat in their car taking photos, called the police repeatedly to request police assistance, and told the sidewalk counselor he was in violation of the FACE act by standing on public sidewalk ten feet from the abortion clinic garage drive entrance.

This isn't the first time this has happened.

Abortionist Carhart previously drove on the sidewalk and struck McDaniel and the police made an incident report after the incident, but no action was taken by the Sarpy County attorney's office. This is the same Sarpy County attorney - Lee Polikov - that has conducted the malicious prosecution of seven abortion protestors, including McDaniel, on ludicrious charges of disturbing the peace and unlawful picketing. On one occasion, they were simply praying and reading the Bible in front of the home of Karen Pender, and arrested. Apparently, it is against the law in Bellevue to read the Bible and pray in public

Shortly after Carhart ran into him, Joe McDaniel took some video to show just how far off the road Carhart had to drive in order to run into him. Look at how far onto the sidewalk Carhart's car is! I hope they sue the living hell out of Carhart and the town!

"We ought to obey God rather than men" Acts 5:29

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Judie Brown endorses Focus On The Strategy

ALL's Judie Brown gave a strong endorsement of Bob Enyart's Focus On The Strategy DVD on his talk radio show Bob Enyart Live last Wednesday. Listen to the show HERE.

Here is her endorsement.

"Focus on the Strategy is one of the most invaluable resources for anybody who wants to claim the label pro-life and work for the true end to abortion in America. Focus on the Strategy is all about doing right, and risking the consequences!" -Judie Brown, president of, American Life League

That's one big blow to the Legal Positivist legions out there and a big gain for the pro-life movement that is not willing to compromise when it comes to killing the innocent.

Praise the LORD!!

"We ought to obey God rather than men" Acts 5:29